Docusate sodium creates emulsion in the intestines that softens the stool mass (it also stimulates fluid secretion, further softening the fecal mass). It has also a lubricant effect that facilitates the leakage of feces.


What is Docusate sodium?

Docusate sodium is a substance that is used in the pharmaceutical industry as a wetting and dispersing agent. It has purgative effects and it is therefore used when to maintain soft feces and decrease the defecating effort. It is part of the lubricant/emollients laxatives group whose purpose is to soften and lubricate the stool. It is used in case of constipation (delay of intestinal transit with hardening of the stool) as well as after hemorrhoid operations or other surgical operations. Its purpose is to decrease the defecating effort and empty the bowels before undergoing medical tests. It acts on the entire intestine.


How should Docusate sodium be taken?

Docusate sodium is taken orally or rectally (via enemas).


Side effects associated with Docusate sodium

The most common side effects from use of this drug are abdominal cramps and diarrhea.   Irritation of the rectum and reduced absorption of fat soluble vitamins can also occur.


Contraindications and warnings associated with the use of Docusate sodium

Docusate sodium should only be used for short periods of treatment. It is advised to take the medicine according to the instructions given by your doctor. Do not give this medicine to children unless under strict medical supervision.