Esmolol has a short duration of action and it is used to control heart rate and blood pressure.


What is Esmolol?

Esmolol is a beta-blocker medication. It works by reducing the heart’s workload and helping it to beat more regularly.


How should Esmolol be taken?

Esmolol is typically administered intravenously via injection.


Side effects associated with Esmolol

Among the possible side effects of Esmolol include the following: 


  • Dizziness
  • Drowsiness
  • Nausea


It is important to contact a doctor immediately if you experience:


  • Rash
  • Urticaria
  • Itch
  • Difficulty breathing
  • Tightness in chest
  • Swelling of the mouth, face, lips or tongue
  • Chest pain
  • Pain in the arms or jaw
  • Confusion
  • Fainting
  • Irregular or slow heartbeat
  • Feeling faint or lightheaded
  • Changes in mood or behavior
  • Pain, irritation, blisters, redness or pain at the injection site
  • Convulsions
  • Severe or persistent dizziness
  • Shortness of breath
  • Severe and sudden nausea or vomiting
  • Excessive sweating
  • Weakness


Contraindications and warnings associated with the risk of Esmolol

Esmolol can compromise the ability to drive or operate hazardous machinery, especially if it is taken in combination with alcohol or other drugs. Esmolol should not be taken if:


  • You are also taking mibefradil
  • You have experienced moderate or severe heart failure, shock caused by serious heart problems, certain types of arrhythmias, slow or irregular heart rate, or pulmonary hypertension


Before starting treatment with Esmolol, it is important to tell your doctor if:


  • You have any allergies to the active substance, its excipients, any other drugs (in particular to other beta-blockers) or food
  • You are taking any other medications, herbal remedies or supplements. Mentioning in particular: mibefradil, insulin or other drugs for diabetes, clonidine, guanfacine, moxonidine, diltiazem, fingolimod, flecainide, mofloquine, indomethacin, alfuzosin, digoxin and prazosin
  • You are suffering (or have suffered) from cardiovascular problems, chest pain, kidney disorders, hypovolemia, respiratory or lung disorders, diabetes, hyperthyroidism, hypoglycemia or pheochromocytoma
  • You are pregnant or breast-feeding