Ginseng is the common name of Panax ginseng and Panax quinquefolius, species native to Asia (first), Canada and the United States (second). The roots contain a mixture of complex saponins called ginsenosides and panaxosidi.


What is Ginseng?

Experimental studies have shown that Ginseng has several pharmacological properties, although their clinical significance is still the subject of study. The effects of Ginseng relate to the building of natural resistance and the ability to stimulate recovery of the body, in addition to the stimulation of physical and mental abilities. Several studies have shown that Ginseng improves supervision, the state of physical and mental wellbeing, and increases the feeling of well-being by relieving fatigue, and also improves the ability to calculate and use logic.


How should Ginseng be taken?

There are different commercial formulations through which it is possible to assume Ginseng. It is possible to find it in the form of tablets, chewable tablets, herbal teas, and granules for oral solution.


Side effects associated with Ginseng

Side effects of Ginseng have been highlighted in the case of substance abuse and some of them are:

  • tachycardia
  • insomnia
  • irritability
  • tremors
  • headache
  • digestive disorders

Side effects are also observed in the case of intake of Ginseng in combination with neuro-stimulating substances.

 Contraindications and warnings associated with the use of Ginseng

The usage of Ginseng should be avoided in case of hypersensitivity to one or more components, and in subjects with severe psychiatric illnesses. Taking Ginseng can reduce the levels of glucose in the blood, so it is good that people with diabetes consult their doctor before taking the drug.