Methicillin is used to treat infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria sensitive to its action. In particular, these bacteria include Enterobacteriaceae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Streptococcus pneumoniae, Staphylococcus aureus and Staphylococcus epidermidis.


What is Methicillin?

Methicillin is a penicillin. It works by inhibiting bacterial cell wall synthesis. More specifically, it inhibits the action of an enzyme necessary for the production of one of its components.


How should Methicillin be taken?

Methicillin is administered via injection. Oral intake is not possible because it is inactivated by gastric acid in the stomach. 


Side effects associated with Methicillin

Among the possible side effects of methicillin include the following:


  • Hematological problems such as neutropenia, leukopenia , thrombocytopenia, and more rarely, agranulocytosis
  • Changes in liver function
  • Allergic reactions (rash, itching, fever, chills, myalgia and changes of eosinophils levels)
  • Thrombophlebitis and pain at the injection site
  • Acute kidney failure
  • Interstitial nephritis


Contraindications and warnings associated with the use of Methicillin

Before starting treatment with methicillin, it is important to tell your doctor if:


  • You have any allergies to the active substance, its excipients or any other drugs or food
  • You are taking any other medications, herbal remedies or supplements. Mentioning in particular: acenocoumarol, amikacin, biotin, doxycycline, kanamycin, methotrexate, minocycline, mycophenolate mofetil, mycophenolic acid and neomycin
  • You are suffering (or you have suffered) from any specific diseases
  • You are pregnant or breast-feeding