Metronidazole eliminates microorganisms that cause infections of the reproductive system, digestive tract and skin. It is also used to treat cases of amoebiasis, vaginitis, trichomonas infection, giardiasis, anaerobic infection and Treponema.


What is Metronidazole?

Metronidazole is converted to its active form by microorganisms which bind to DNA permanently. They end up destroying the structure and thereby inhibiting its replication. The end result is death of the bacteria.


How should Metronidazole be taken?

In general, metronidazole is administered orally in the form of tablets or capsules. It should be taken 2-3 times a day for 5-10 days. If necessary, the treatment may be prolonged.


Side effects associated with Metronidazole

Metronidazole may be a carcinogen. Among the possible side effects of metronidazole include the following: 


  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Stomach problems
  • Loss of appetite
  • Dry mouth
  • Metallic taste or unpleasant taste in the mouth
  • Dark or reddish urine
  • Sensation of having sand on the tongue
  • Mouth or tongue irritation
  • Numbness or tingling in hands or feet


It is important to contact a doctor immediately if you experience:


  • Rashes
  • Itch
  • Nasal congestion
  • Fever
  • Joint pain


Contraindications and warnings associated with the use of Metronidazole

During treatment with metronidazole, alcohol should be avoided. Excessive exposure to the sun should also be avoided because metronidazole increases the skin’s sensitivity to the sun’s rays. 


Before starting treatment with metronidazole, it is important to tell your doctor if:


  • You have any allergies to the active substance, its excipients or any other drugs
  • You are taking any other medications, herbal remedies or supplements. Mentioning in particular:  anticoagulants, astemizole, disulfiram, lithium, phenobarbital, phenytoin and vitamins
  • You are suffering (or have suffered) from blood problems, kidney or liver disease, or Crohn's disease
  • You are pregnant or breastfeeding