Seine is occasionally used in case of constipation. Usually, the laxative effect occurs after 6-12 hours after ingestion. This type of laxative causes a rather quick action allowing it to be called "cathartic". It is recommended that the use takes place for short periods (not more than 10 days) and limited to the minimum doses to produce the desired effects.


What is Seine?


"Senna" is a common name for several species of the genus of the legume family Cassia (Cassia angustifolia, Cassia Senna, Cassia fistula, etc.), whose leaves are rich in anthraquinone glycosides that make them useful as a laxative.


The anthraquinone glycosides contained in Seine are able to facilitate the contraction of the muscles of the colon increasing the intestinal peristalsis and promoting the progress of the expulsion of feces, and to increase the secretion of water and salts from the intestine, making the most voluminous fecal mass softer and therefore easier to expel. These active ingredients are usually poorly absorbed in the stomach and small intestine and are activated in the large intestine, where they are metabolized through the ability of the bacteria to transform them into anthrones, agents responsible for the laxative properties.


How should Seine be taken?


The most common mode of administration is oral, available in the form of tablets or herbal tea.


Side effects associated with Seine


Similar to all anthraquinone agents, prolonged use can lead to addiction because the bowel stops functioning properly and peristalsis is greatly reduced, leading to a condition known as "lazy bowel" (peristaltic contractions necessary to favor the artificially enhanced evacuation, which, over time through the use of the drug, can compromise the functionality of the colonic musculature, which ends up becoming unable to contract independently).


Usually, the use of Seine, if done in the right times and dosages, is well tolerated. However, in case of overdose or particular individual sensitivity it can cause strong abdominal pain and diarrhea resulting in loss of fluids and minerals accompanied by the appearance of other disorders linked to this condition (fatigue, muscle cramps, confusion, weakness).


Contraindications and warnings associated with the use of Seine


Similar to the case of other laxatives based on anthraquinone, it is recommended that children and pregnant and lactating women should avoid taking it. It is also contraindicated in patients suffering from various gastrointestinal disorders accompanied with occasional constipation (colitis, irritable bowel, bowel obstruction). Particular attention should also be paid when administrating this medication to patients with liver, kidney or heart disease.