The term ketonemia indicates the level ketone bodies in blood, molecules produced when the source of energy are fats. Typically this parameter remains at low values. But if the energy supply is especially low in carbohydrates, particularly by too much alcohol intake or there is a presence of diabetes there can be increase in ketone levels which becomes dangerous to ones health.


What kind of diseases can be associated with ketonemia?

Diseases that may be associated with ketonemia are the following:

  • Diabetes

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it is highly recommended to consult your doctor, in case of symptom’s persistence.


What is the therapy for ketonemia?

Prevention is the best remedy for a high level of ketone. The energy supply should not be too low on carbohydrates, or too high in alcohol, and those suffering from diabetes should pay close attention to their diet, hydration, physical activity and the possible need of taking medication.

In case of hyperketonemia you there may be a need of hospitalization because you may need a treatment based on administration of fluids and insulin.


When is most likely to contact your doctor in case of ketonemia?

A high ketone can be a serious problem and a health hazard. In the event of abnormal values ​​it is important to contact your doctor.