The term ‘vesicles’ is used in the medical field to indicate skin lesions that are well demarcated and reduced in size leave a skin lesion when they break through the skin. Vesicles develop when fluid becomes trapped under the top layer of your skin, the epidermis. It is a small fluid-filled blister. A number of different health conditions can cause vesicles. Some of these conditions are minor and do not require medical attention. Other conditions are more serious and may indicate a complicated medical problem that needs on-going treatment.

According to the scientific community, to be considered a vesicle it must have a diameter of no more than 0.5 cm, while others that grow to 1 cm exceeded these limits and they are called "bubbles".

In general, vesicles are easy to notice or recognize. Most vesicles develop on the surface of the skin causing the affected area of the skin to swell and fill with fluid. Most vesicles rupture easily, causing the fluid inside to be released onto the skin. When the fluid dries, it may become crusty or adopt a yellowish colour.

Depending on the underlying disease that is the 'origin, the presence of vesicles can be accompanied by symptoms such as redness of the skin affected by lesions, itchingburningpeeling skin, increased local temperature, fatigue, fever.


What diseases may be associated with blisters?

The diseases that can be associated with vesicles include the following:


  • Dermatitis
  • Dermatophytosis
  • Contact allergy
  • Chilblains
  • Herpes simplex
  • Shingles (herpes zoster)
  • Impetigo
  • Scabies
  • Lichen planus
  • Whitlow
  • Pemphigus vulgaris
  • Chickenpox
  • Smallpox
  • Sunburn

It is important to note that the list is not exhaustive and it is always better to consult a doctor.


What are the remedies against vesicles?

The origin of the vesicles can be underlying diseases that may greatly differ from each other and therefore the therapy depends strictly on determining the correct diagnosis. In any case, it is recommended to avoid home remedies. Dressings done improperly can cause the development of other medical conditions such as allergies, irritations and infections that lead to further complications and may delay healing.

The prognosis for this condition depends on the underlying cause. If the vesicles are caused by a minor condition such as an allergic reaction or contact dermatitis, the patient is expected to make a full recovery after initial treatment. On the other hand, more severe cases of vesicles may stem from a viral infection or genetics and therefore may recur throughout the patient’s life. Appropriate treatment may help relieve the symptoms, but if the underlying condition is chronic, the vesicles are likely to reform.


When to contact your doctor?

Contact a doctor in the case when the diagnosis is already determined or if there is risk of an associated disease (see list associated pathologies).