As suggested by all international guidelines, proper nutrition is crucial for the prevention of diseases, whether they are oncological or another type of disease. Based on the review of all scientific studies on the link between nutrition and cancer, the World Cancer Research Fund, along with the collaboration of numerous researchers in research centers around the world, has published a handbook for the prevention of cancer. In order to follow a proper nutritional plan, it is essential that we play close attention to what we eat and the products that we buy while shopping at the supermarket. 

Often, in haste and unconditional trust in the products, we do not pay much attention to the “label”, which is a very useful and informative tool for us as consumers. “The labels on packaged products such as fruit, vegetables and fish – explains Dr. Salvatore Gulizia, hygiene biologist and member of Core Quality in the Unit for Oncology at Humanitas – represent the identity card of the products offered on sale and they are regulated by the European Legislation.”


The 10 rules for the prevention of cancer are elaborated as follows:


  1. Maintain an ideal weight that can be calculated using the BMI (Body Mass Index), which reflects the proper weight condition for an individual.
  2. Maintain daily physical activity by walking briskly for 30 minutes.
  3. Limit consumption of energy-dense foods and avoid sugary drinks. All industrial products are considered "calorie bombs" and contain an excessive amount of fat and sugar.
  4. Limit consumption of red meats (lamb, pork, and beef). It is recommended not to exceed 500 grams per week and to avoid preserved meat (canned meat, sausages, hams and sausages)
  5. Consume lots of vegetables (they are rich in fiber and excellent sources of vitamins and mineral salts). Around 600 grams of fruits and vegetables divided into five portions is recommended for one’s diet.  
  6. Limit the consumption of alcoholic beverages. It is best not to consume alcohol, however, for those who do consume it; moderate drinking is recommended. For women, no more than one glass of wine a day and for men, no more than two glasses of wine a day.
  7. Avoid smoking. We are all aware of the correlation between smoking and the development of cancer of the mouth, bladder and stomach, as well as many other respiratory diseases.
  8. Limit consumption of salt (5 grams per day). Pay particular attention to industrial products, especially meats.
  9. Maintain proper intake of nutrients. It is important to follow a healthy, well-balanced diet by increasing the variety of products and their seasonality.
  10. Breast-feed children for at least six months. There is evidence that shows breast-feeding a baby for at least six months can help prevent obesity and other related conditions. For women, evidence shows breast-feeding protects the onset of breast cancer at any age.