Q: What are the main symptoms of thyroid malfunction? Do they present themselves in the presence of a thyroid nodule?


A: Thyroid malfunction can be linked to a decreased or increased production of thyroid hormones (hypo- or hyperthyroidism). In the case of hypothyroidism, symptoms that may present themselves include fatigue (even after mild exertion), drowsiness, hoarse voice, feeling cold, constipation, cramps and muscle pain, brittle hair, mood swings (especially depressive mood), and menstrual cycle irregularities. In the case of hyperthyroidism, however, symptoms may include rapid heartbeat, anxiety, irritability, heat intolerance, weight loss, diarrhea, hives and mood swings.  The presence of a thyroid nodule can 'be detected both during a neck examination (especially in the case of nodules of large dimensions), during the palpation of the thyroid or via ultrasound. Then, there are rare cases in which a thyroid nodule is found accidently during examinations performed for other reasons, such as in the case of a carotid Doppler ultrasound.