What is sea bream?

The bream (Sparus aurata, otherwise known as gilt-head bream) is a popular saltwater fish in the Mediterranean and eastern Atlantic. It prefers rocky areas and waters not too deep, at mild temperature. In addition to being caught, sea bream is a can also be bred.


What are the nutritional properties of sea bream?

The sea bream contains proteins, vitamins, minerals (calcium, phosphorus, iodine, iron) and is rich in omega 3 fatty acids in particular. 100 grams of bream contain:

  • 20.7 g protein
  • 3.8g fat
  • 1g of carbohydrates
  • 121 Kcal


When should you not eat sea bream?

The bream may contain small quantities of methylmercury – there are no special contraindications to its use.


Possible benefits of sea bream

The sea bream meat is very tasty, the presence of omega 3 fatty acids protects cardiovascular health, calcium and phosphorus are essential for development and for the health of bones and teeth; iodine is essential for the functions regulated by thyroid hormones, while iron present is a component of hemoglobin and contributes to the production of some hormones and connective tissue. The consumption of sea bream is strongly recommended.


Sea bream possible contraindications

It is always good to consume sea bream after it is cooked: heat annihilates any toxic substances, such as Anisakis, a widespread parasite. It is important to know that European legislation (EC Regulation 853/2004, on "Sale and administration of culinary preparations containing fishery products intended to be consumed raw or almost raw") obliges those who sell or administer fresh fish to be frozen at – 20 degrees at least 24 hours. Therefore, before you eat it raw, you should inquire if that has been done. At home however, it is good to freeze the bream for at least 96 hours at -18 ° C in a freezer at three or more stars, before consuming it raw.


The availability of sea bream

The bream is available all year.