What is the cod?

The Cod is a fish belonging to the genus Gadus. A native of Atlantic waters, it is different to hake (Merluccius merluccius), which is also sometimes called cod.


What are the nutritional properties?

100 g of raw cod bring in approximately 82 calories and:

  • 17,81 g of protein
  • 0.67 g of lipids, including 0.131 g saturated fat, 0.094 g monounsaturated fat, 0.231 g of polyunsaturated fats (including 195 mg of omega 3)
  • 43 mg cholesterol
  • 2,063 mg of niacin
  • 0.065 mg of riboflavin
  • 0.076 mg of thiamin
  • 1 mg of vitamin C
  • 0,245 mg of vitamin B6
  • 7 micrograms of folate
  • 0.91 micrograms of vitamin B12
  • 40 IU of vitamin A
  • 0.64 mg of vitamin E
  • 36 IU of vitamin D
  • 0.1 micrograms of vitamin K
  • 54 mg of sodium
  • 203 g of phosphorus
  • 16 mg of calcium
  • 32 mg of magnesium
  • 0.45 mg of zinc
  • 0.38 mg of iron
  • 0.04 g of copper
  • 33 micrograms of selenium


When should you NOT eat cod?

No interactions between dietary cod consumption and intake of drugs or other substances has been found. If in doubt, speak to your doctor.


Seasonality of cod

Cod fishing season is from December to March, but it is on the market throughout the year in its dried or salted forms.


Possible benefits and drawbacks of cod

The cod nutritional profile makes it a good food. A source of high quality protein, it does not provide a lot of saturated fats (those dangerous for the heart and arteries) and has within it a small dose of omega 3 (good for cardiovascular health). Also it promotes good cardiovascular health by providing potassium, involved in the control of heart rate and blood pressure. Finally it is a source of vitamin D and phosphorus (allies of the bones), B vitamins (involved in many metabolic processes) and selenium (which helps the body's antioxidant defenses).

But we must not forget that the cod is a source of cholesterol, and that the daily intake of the latter should not exceed 300 mg (or 200 mg in the presence of cardiovascular problems).