What are gurnard?

Gurnard is a fish belonging to the family Triglidae. They live in the Atlantic Ocean, the North Sea and the Mediterranean Sea. They are typically 20-30 cm long, but can also achieve larger sizes, up to 75 cm and 6 kg in weight.


What are the nutritional properties?

100g fillet of gurnard provide 80 Calories.

From a nutritional standpoint, the gurnard is a source of:

  • protein
  • fat
  • Potassium
  • phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin D


When should you not eat gurnard?

It does not appear that the consumption of gurnard can interfere with the intake of drugs or other substances. In case of doubt it is good to seek advice from your doctor.


Seasonality of gurnard

The fishing season lasts all year round, but is concentrated in the summer and autumn. The fish breeds in the months between December and April, in late June in the Black Sea, but in the Mediterranean the season is more extensive. In the summer young fish can be caught. With meat with the most delicate taste, whereas larger fish are less tasty. In Italy, those caught from the Adriatic Sea are known for their meat, softer than that of specimens from other sources.


Possible benefits and drawbacks of the gurnard

Gurnard offers high quality protein associated with low fat (better quality than other animal fats), minerals that help reduce cardiovascular risk (potassium, which monitors your heart rate and blood pressure) and to protect the health of bones and teeth (calcium and phosphorus) and vitamins. Among these, vitamin A is important for growth, for the reproductive functions and to protect the health of the immune system. Vitamin D is an ally of bone health.