What's a gooseberry?

Gooseberry is the fruit of a plant of the genus Ribes, which in turn belongs to the Grossulariaceae family. It is a species of European origin (gooseberry L.) now also in America (Ribes hirtellum) that generally grows in the northern hemisphere.


What are the nutritional properties of gooseberry?

100 g of gooseberries bring in approximately 44 calories and:

  • 0.88 g of protein

  • 0.58 g of lipids

  • 10.18 g of soluble sugars

  • 4.3 g of fiber


Among the vitamins and minerals , 100 g of gooseberries provide:

The gooseberry is rich in polyphenols , especially flavonoids, anthocyanins and tannins.


When should you NOT eat gooseberries?

Gooseberries may be contraindicated in case of diverticulosis . For information on possible interactions with medications you take, it is always good to seek advice from your physician.


Seasonality of gooseberries

The gooseberry collection period runs from June to August.


Possible benefits and drawbacks of gooseberries

The phenolic compounds present in gooseberries anticancer, anti-aging and anti-inflammatory effects and have been associated with a beneficial effect against neurological diseases. In general, it is a food with antioxidant properties Specifically it has been associated with the potential ability to block the growth of breast cancer and its metastases.

Its vitamin C helps the immune system and fights free radicals, Vitamin A is important for the integrity of skin and mucous membranes and for health vision, pantothenic acid protects the health of the adrenal glands, and potassium helps to keep blood pressure under control. Iron promotes good circulation, and fiber helps the good functioning of the intestines (gooseberries exert a mild laxative).

Finally, the gooseberry seems to exert a diuretic action and its juice is considered an ally of a toned skin and hair health.