Loss of balance is a condition in which even though the patient is still, standing or sitting, he feel a sensation of movement, as if he were turning. Underlying the phenomenon may be different problems including dizziness, inner ear infections or inflammations, flu or infection of the upper airway, Meniere's syndrome, a head injury, strenuous exercise, a change in atmospheric pressure and seasickness. Some cancers, such as acoustic neuroma, can cause loss of balance.

Even a too high or too low blood pressure, as well as the use of medicines, can lead to this problem. Also some disorders and diseases typical of aging, such as arthritis, can result to balance problems,.

The symptoms associated with the problem include: blurred vision, confusion and disorientation, nausea and vomiting, feeling of depression, anxiety or fear, fatigue, difficulty concentrating, diarrhea and changes in blood pressure or heart rate.


What kind of diseases can be associated with loss of balance?

The following diseases may be associated with loss of balance:

  • Arthritis
  • Stroke
  • Carbon monoxide poisoning
  • Labyrinthitis
  • Otitis

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it is highly recommended to consult your doctor, in case of symptom’s persistence.


What is the therapy for loss of balance?

Sometimes the loss of balance is momentarily distorted. Other times you need to act on the health problem that triggers the disorder. Therefore it is important to consult a doctor because you may need to change the assumption of certain medications, or useful changes in power , a physical therapy or exercises to perform at home to reduce the risk of injury. Other times it is necessary to solve the problem with taking medications (such as antibiotics against infection, medicines against nausea or corticosteroids against dizziness).

Finally, it may be necessary to intervene surgically, for example, if you suffering from Meniere's disease.


When is most likely to contact your doctor in case of loss of balance?

In case of loss of balance it is good to seek medical attention to determine the cause of the problem and address it in the most appropriate. If you suspect that the problem may be associated with a stroke it is critical to call an ambulance.