Plaque is a solid, detected, sized quite substantial dermatological lesion (typically greater than those of the papule), given by an accumulation in the skin of inflammatory cells or tumor cells. The plates may be flat or rounded and elevated or depressed with respect to the skin surface. The term "plate" may also be used to indicate an injury that results from the confluence of more papules.

There are different kinds of plaque. A single pink plaque rough or scaly may be a sign of actinic keratosis, thickened plaques, reddish and covered with silvery scales and mostly found on the knees, elbows and scalp are often a sign of psoriasis. The occurrence of plaques in some cases may be accompanied by itching and discomfort more or less intense (as occurs, for example, in the case of dermatophytosis).


What kind of diseases can be associated with plaque?

The following diseases may be associated with plaques:

  • Actinic keratosis
  • Dermatophytosis
  • Lichen planus
  • Systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Neoplasms of the skin
  • Pityriasis rosea
  • Psoriasis
  • Kaposi's sarcoma

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it would always be better to consult your doctor if symptoms persist.


What is the therapy for plaque?

Since the medical conditions that are associated with the presence of plaques are different to identify a targeted treatment is crucial flush out the disease that underlies it. You should avoid remedies "do it yourself", on condition intervene improperly can cause overlapping other conditions like allergies, irritations and infections that go to complicate the clinical picture and make it harder to recover.


When is most likely to contact your doctor in case of plaque?

If you have already received the diagnosis (or is at risk) of one of the pathologies associated (see list of associated diseases).