The legs may be tired or heavy after excessive exercise. But if the feeling is not leading to a physical stress disorder, it may be related to a condition of medical pathology. Usually the symptom is recurrent, in fact, tied to a problem borne by the circulating blood device. The symptoms can occur frequently during pregnancy, if the day is hot or humid or after taking alcohol.

What kind of diseases can be associated with tired, heavy legs?
The main diseases related to the problem are the following:
    •    Slipped disc
    •    Kidney failure
    •    Myasthenia gravis
    •    Diabetic foot
    •    Polycythemia vera
    •    Pre-eclampsia
    •    Thrombophlebitis
    •    Deep vein thrombosis
    •    Varicose veins

Remember that this is not an exhaustive list and it is highly recommended to consult your doctor, in case of symptom’s persistence. 
What is the therapy for tired and heavy legs?
The remedies for leg pain vary depending on the origin of the disorder. If the pain comes from an excess of physical activity, the remedies are rest and the use of cold compresses. To overcome fatigue, heaviness and muscle cramping, in the case of venous insufficiency, it is necessary to put the legs in motion to stimulate the circulation. Thus, keep your legs raised so they can rest, drink plenty of fluids, eat fruit and vegetables, take supplements of potassium and avoid excessive heat. To alleviate the condition you can massage the legs and stimulate circulation, but alternatively the doctor may indicate the use of elastic stockings for graduated compression that reduce the stagnation of blood in the capillaries. Do moderate but regular exercise as it is always a great remedy for the cardiovascular health.
When is most likely to contact your doctor in case of tired and heavy legs?
In cases when the pain is following a trauma or a bruise, it is necessary to seek medical treatment at an emergency room. In the case of swelling in both legs, varicose veins and foot pain it is recommended to ask the advice of a specialist: angiologist, phlebologist, vascular surgeon. It is always advised to seek medical treatment if the heaviness is associated with pain that occurs suddenly and it does not pass after three or more days. Also the same applies if the pain is associated with fever, redness or swelling of the hand, is acute, worsens, or if any movement is impossible.